BCA'37 Notices #2

This year is the 80th Anniversary of the arrival of almost 4,000 children accompanied by teachers, helpers and priests.

We are involved with a varied series of events around the UK and in the Basque Country commemorating the 80th Anniversary. Unless otherwise mentioned, all the events are open to the public. We hope that you will be able to attend one or more of them and look forward to meeting you there.

We've listed below the events taking place in the next couple of months; we'll send details of later events in our next mailing. Please check our website: www.basquechildren.org for the latest details.

Please let us know of other relevant events relating to the Basque niños: secretary@basquechildren.org.


Tickets are now on sale for the event at Harbour Lights Picturehouse.
Tickets £11 online at www.ourscreen.com/film/The-Guernica-Children.
Also a limited number of tickets are available at £9 directly from BCA'37: secretary@basquechildren.org.

30th March CAMBRIDGE

'A Tale of Two Hostels' - West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge, CB3 9DP 6.30 for 7.00pm.
The two hostels referred to are one for Basque children and the other for Kindertransport children.
An exhibition and presentation evening by pupils of two schools under the guidance of Mike Levy of Keystage Arts and Heritage Ltd.
Carmen Kilner will give a brief introduction.

24th April LONDON

Book launch of 'Spanish Crossings' - The Café, Foundling Museum, 40 Brunswick Square, London WC1N lAZ, 6.30pm to 8.00pm.
Author John Simmons invites you to the launch of his latest novel.
RSVP Matthew Smith at matthew@urbanepublications.com.

27th April LONDON

'The Guernica Children' at the Marx Memorial Library - 37a Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DU, 7.00pm.
A showing of Stephen Bowles acclaimed documentary withan introduction by Herminio Martínez, one of the niños de la guerra.


XII. Jornadas por el Derecho a la Educación: refugiados de ayer y de hoy - Aula Magna de la Facultad de la Educación, Filosofía y Antropología, UPV/EHU, y, Exposición- Centro Carlos Santamaría UPV/EHU
Programme 9.00 am onwards, includes presentation by Carmen Kilner BCA’37 UK, in Spanish.
Progamme details here & Exhibition details here;

4th May BILBAO

Euskadiko Artxibo Historikoa / Archivo Histórico de Euskadi en Bilbao - Archivos Euskadiko, María Díaz de Haro 3 48013 BILBAO, 19.00h.
Parte de una serie de conferencias, exposiciones y mesa redonda entre abril y noviembre. 'Agur, haurrok / Adios niños'.
Participantes incluyen Carmen Kilner. (Final details end of March)

9th - 23rd May EASTLEIGH (Hampshire)

Exhibition of BCA'37 UK posters - Eastleigh Library, Swan Shopping and Leisure Centre, Swan Centre, Eastleigh SO50 5SF.
Open 9.30am - 5.00pm Mon - Fri, and 9.30 am - 4.30 pm Sat.
Exhibition of posters telling the history of the evacuation from Bilbao to Eastleigh in May 1937.

20th May LANCING (W Sussex)

Plaque unveiling by Lancing Parish Council.

28th May LONDON

Annual commemorative meal for niños and their relatives.
This event is not organised by BCA'37 UK.
For further details contact Luis Jarero at luisjarero@yahoo.com.

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