Dora Pandal Gimeno
Born Tolosa 16 February 1923
Died San Sebastian-Donostia 30 March 2019

We have just been informed that Dora Pandal Gimeno passed away on Saturday 30th of March 2019 some of her family being with her at the Zorroaga Nursing home in San Sebastian-Donostia.
She was one of the children of '37. She stayed at the camp on Eastleigh and can be seen on the first picture on our gallery. She stayed in the UK until 1951 when she went back to Spain.
She left behind 2 daughters: Ana Landaberea Pandal and Elena Landaberea Pandal, 4 grand children: Diego Landaberea Villar, Daniel Landaberea Villar, Mariana Benitez Landaberea and Alazne Benitez Landaberea, and also 5 great grand children: Ainhoa, Eneko, Xanti, Ailetz and Amaya. She was very loved and inspired a sense of justice in all of us.