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News & Events 2025

Kaixo. "Gerrako haurrak, bake loturak" mahai-ingurura gonbidatu nahi zaitugu. Otsailaren 12an izango da, 18:30ean, Gogoran (María Díaz de Haro 3, Bilbo). Erantsitako dokumentuan duzu hizlariei buruzko informazioa. Bertaratu nahi duenarentzat mahai-ingurua zabalik egongo da, edukiera bete arte, eta zuzenean linean ikusi nahi duenak, helbide honetan izango du aukera https://labur.eus/fN4w0 Zure interesekoa izango delakoan, agur bero bat
Hola. Te invitamos a la mesa redonsa "Niños de la guerra, vínculos de paz" que celebraremos el próximo día 12 de febrero, a las 18:30, en Gogora (María Díaz de Haro 3, Bilbao). En el documento adjuto tienes la información de las personas intervinientes. La charla está abierta al público, hasta completar aforo, y se podrá seguir en directo en la siguiente dirección https://labur.eus/fN4w0 Esperamos sea de tu interés, recibe un cordial saludo
Churchill's Spaniards by Sean Scullion.
This widely promoted book is now out. It has been written by a serving British Army Officer. There are contributions from Susanna Hidalgo, Rob Garcia,and Manuel Moreno. The Assocition is cited and credited. Read a review by Simon Martinez here here ….
New Exhibition

5 October 2024 – 11 January 2025
John Hansard Gallery
142 – 144 Above Bar Street, Southampton SO14 7DU
Opening hours :
Open Tuesday to Saturday 11am – 5pm
Free Entry.
Sonia Boué and Ashokkumar D Mistry
Las Gemelas: Arrival
(a lexicon of unmaking)
Sarah Pierce
Scene of the Myth
More details about the artists, and their relationship to the arrival in 1937 of almost 4,000 Basque child refugees, can be found here …