Our Activities
News & Events 2023

Forged in Spain
This new book by Richard Baxell is about to be released. It includes this chapter: The Niños Second Mother - Leah Manning. From the press release: "… [Leah Manning] who was the impetus behind bringing 4,000 refugee Basque children to Britain in the summer of 1937. She later served as an MP in Clement Attlee’s post-war Labour government, helping to draft and implement legislation raising the school leaving age to 16. Richard Baxell is a prominent historian on the Spanish Civil War who has supported our association in the past. More details here …

Politicizing and De-Politicizing Childhood
We are pleased to announce the publication of "Untold Stories of the Spanish Civil War", which includes a chapter by Dror Sharon "Politicizing and De-Politicizing Childhood" [pp128 - 154].
It is an open-access edited volume part of Routledge/Cañada Blanch Studies on Contemporary Spain
The book is dedicated to previously unexplored aspects and stories of the Spanish Civil War, and especially those of women, children, and international volunteers and solidarity campaigns from the global periphery. The chapter mentioned explores the North Stoneham Basque Children's Camp as a site of collusion between Spanish, Basque Nationalist and British ideals of childhood and education and the role that political, national and religious instruction should play in them.
For further details here …

The duchess who helped save thousands of children
"Without her, I wouldn't be here" - that was a phrase I heard time and time again when I spoke to descendants of the 4,000 children who escaped from the Spanish Civil War in May 1937 … BBC Scotland News Article by Elizabeth Quigley here …
Natalia Benjamin Prize 2023
The judges for the Natalia Benjamin Prize have decided not to make an award this year.

The Battle of Matxitxako
During the 16 trips made by the Habana evacuating thousands of children from Bilbao in 1937, including to the UK, the Auxiliary Republican Navy of armed fishing trawlers (bous) acted as escorts up to the high seas where the British Navy took over.
These bous and the sea battle of Matxitxaco in which they were involved are the subject of a documentary film to be shown this coming month.
(The documentary is in Spanish and Basque with subtitles in English.)
1 November, afternoon, at theUniversity of Liverpool
— Details …
3 November, afternoon, at theUniversity of Bristol
— Eventbrite …
4 November, afternoon, at the Euskal Etxea in London
— Eventbrite …
La Batalla Naval de Matxitxaco
Durante los 16 viajes que realizó el Habana evacuando a miles de niños de Bilbao en 1937, incluido al Reino Unido, la Marina Auxiliar Republicana de arrastreros pesqueros armados (bous) actuó como escolta hasta alta mar, donde la Armada británica tomó el relevo.
Estos bous y la batalla naval de Matxitxaco en la que participaron son el tema de un documental que se proyectará el próximo mes.
(El documental esta en euskara y español con subtítulos en inglés.)
1 de noviembre, por la tarde, en la Universidad de Liverpool
— Detalles …
3 de noviembre, por la tarde, en la Universidad de Bristol
— Eventbrite …
4 de noviembre, por la tarde, en la Euskal Etxea de Londres
— Eventbrite …

Memory as Transgenerational Caring: the Basque Refugee Children in the UK
(How passing down family memories through the generations
impacts current generations and their lives)
Learn more about the 'Memory as Transgenerational Care' project here.
If you have any questions, please do get in touch.
An exciting and important new research project focusses on how memories passed down through families can affect current generations and their lives. Mónica Jato and her international and interdisciplinary team received a highly prestigious Arts and Humanities Research Council Award: User Engagement Fund in May to work in collaboration with the University of Birmingham on this theme and specifically with descendants of the Basque children as well as all those more broadly involved in this chapter of history. Our Association takes great pride in working with Mónica on this project and as you will see our/your input is essential! The project involves workshops, artistic interpretations, the recording of interviews and an exciting, evolving exhibition that will travel the UK and Spain in the next few years, aiming to culminate with a grand exhibition for the 90th anniversary. The refugee problems of displacement and integration remain as relevant now as in 1937 and the project also would like to count on the collaboration of associations working with present-day refugees. The aim is to provide some insights to others in the same position as our forebears were 86 years ago. To make this inspiring project a success we need to involve as many of you as possible in the various planned (and yet to be planned) workshops. Whether you are descendants of: children, teachers, auxiliaries, those who helped run the colonies, raised funds, or were involved in any way, then this concerns you!
Two new book extracts
We are delighted to present extracts from two books.
The first is in Spanish and is part of a novel by Marisa Iturriza about the experiences of her father Urbano Iturriza Eizmendi in Stoneham and Gainford. An introduction by Marisa can be viewed here … The extract from Tiempos dificiles can be read here …
The second extract has been sent by Julie Brinton and is from her late father's autobiography In the Wings and is an account of his time as the first commandant at the North Stoneham Camp View this extract here …
For further details of both books please contact editor@basquechildren.org

The Guernica Children documentary now on our YouTube channel
We are delighted to announce that we have completed negotiations to bring Steve Bowles' award winning documentary
"The Guerica Children" to a wider audience through our YouTube channel.
Apart from individuals, we hope that history groups, schools and colleges will be able to use this film
as part of their exploration into the history of the Basque Children of 1937.
The English Version can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/LSNe_BMPhDI
The Spanish version can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/CuW_BAqZcTY
Please subscribe to our free channel.
El documental de Los Niños de Guernica ahora en nuestro canal de YouTube
Nos complace anunciar que hemos completado las negociaciones para llevar el documental de Steve Bowles "Los Niños de Guernica", ganador de un premio, a un público más amplio a través de nuestro canal de YouTube. Además de los particulares, esperamos que los grupos de historia, las escuelas y los colegios puedan utilizar esta película como parte de su exploración de la historia de los niños vascos de 1937. La versión en inglés puede verse aquí: https://youtu.be/LSNe_BMPhDI La versión en español puede verse aquí: https://youtu.be/CuW_BAqZcTY Por favor, suscríbase a nuestro canal gratuito.
WHN - The Women's History Network conference

This year's theme is Women and Migration.
1st and 2nd September (online via Zoom)
This is a free Zoom conference which you are invited to join by signing up here:
On September 2nd, 2.15- 3.15 Carmen Kilner from BCA'37 UK will speak about the Basque Children, the
Association, her mother and her maternal family's exile.
In a following session at 3.30, Carmen will read a paper by Gerald Hoare.
To be part of the audience please use this link:

Creative Connections Southampton
This exhibition, part of an initiative by The National Portrait Gallery, featured a dramatic mural by Pete Codling called The Kinship inspired by Picasso's Guernica. It looks to Southampton's past - to the Basque children of 1937 - to the present and to the future.
More details here …
¡Salvad a los niños!
Historia del exilio vasco en Gran Bretaña, 1937-1940
Sabino Arana Fundazioa presenta su primer eBook del historiador Gregorio Arrien.
La edición impresa de esta obra de referencia para el conocimiento y divulgación del exilio infantil vasco en el Reino Unido se encuentra agotada desde hace años.
Recomendamos encarecidamente este libro enciclopédico a todos los interesados en esta historia. (BCA’37 UK y BCA’37UK-Euskadi)
Disponible solo en versión Ebook. Tiene un precio de 15 euros y se puede solicitar en la tienda online del Museo aquí …
The Sabino Arana Foundation presents their first eBook by historian Gregorio Arrien.
[in Spanish only]
The printed edition of this reference work for the knowledge and dissemination of Basque children's exile in the United Kingdom has been out of print for years.
We highly commend this encyclopaedic book to all interested in this history. (BCA’37 UK and BCA’37UK-Euskadi)
Available only in Ebook version. It is priced at 15 euros and can be requested at the Museum's online store here …

De la oficina de prensa de Sabino Arana Fundazioa From the Sabino Arana Fundazioa Press Office Un libro para una historia sobre el exilio vasco en Gran Bretaña Extracto del eBook / Extract from the eBook
Unveiling ceremony held at the Howard Arms Hotel in Brampton Cumbria on the 17 June 2023

Read a full report on this event here …
If you have links to any Cumbrian colony please contact us.
How my grandmother welcomed Basque Refugees
by Peter Howarth this article in the Guardian includes a further link referring to a letter by Constance Hill, a relative of one of BCA'37 UK's staunch supporters Stuart Walsh.
Basque Exhibition

Moot Hall, Market Place, Brampton July 2023 — times and details on this poster …
In 1937, over 100 children from the Basque region in Spain found sanctuary in Brampton as refugees from the Civil War. They were supported & cared for by the people of Brampton and district. Come and see their story.
Na Mara Retires

The much loved Na Mara duo of Roberto García and Paul McNamara have decided to retire from live performances from autumn next year. These very talented musicians have given us unstinting support over the years. The good news is that they will continue to write music and do studio work. We thank them both for their considerable contribution to the Association and for the pleasure that they have given us and look forward to following their progress. If you get the chance, do attend one of the many gigs of their final tour. You can listen to Only For Three Months and other songs here … Read more news and information at www.na-mara.com
Away at Home

Welsh poet, Patrick Jones, presents a poem Away at Home dedicated to the Basque refugees who came to Caerleon in 1937 and their love of football. Following a reading of a working draft of his poem at the Caerleon events held in July last year, we are delighted to present the finished version here … You can watch and hear parts of this poem on our You Tube channel here …
Dedication of tree to the People of Hampshire
This event, which included a tribute to the tree of Guernica planted in 1994, was held at the HCC Sir Harold Hillier Gardens, Romsey on Monday 3 April 2023.
Read a full report on this here …
The videos are available
on our
YouTube channel
The book collection of Herminio Martínez

Herminio Martinez who died in 2019 was known to many of you.
At his wife Verena's request the books in his extensive library have been catalogued by Adrian Bell who is now looking for good homes for them.
The books, in both English and Spanish, cover Spain in the C20th and the Civil War.
NOTE: for fairness, requests will be limited to a maximum of 6 books per applicant.
Read more here
Bombardeo de Gernika / Bombing of Gernika
— 85th Anniversary, 26th April

This shocking article in Deia discloses hitherto little known details about the Italian airforce involvement in the bombing of Gernika on 26th April 1937. General Franco's lie about this event persists — Al menos 13 pilotos de caza italianos participaron en el bombardeo de Gernika
Lea el artículo completo aquí … (in Spanish)
… and an English article here …

Actos anuales de recuerdo en Gernika, 26 de abril de 2023 Annual acts of rememberance at Gernika, 26 April 2023
The Basque Children in Britain - Committees, colonies and concerts
by Yolanda Powell

Yolanda Powell is the daughter of a niña, Alicia Pedrero. The book is based on research and interviews undertaken from the mid 70s to the mid 80s and focuses on the difficulties facing the volunteers who had to deal with finance, colony admin and repatriation. There are interviews with Poppy Vulliamy, Ronald Thackrah, Laureana Puerta and other children, including Alicia Pedrero.
The book is now available in our shop.
Read a Review of Yolanda's book
by Prof. Tom Buchanan, OUDCE/Kellogg College, Oxford,
here …

"Picasso Presents Gernika"
Sabino Arana Fundazioa, Bilbao
Dokumentalaren Emanaldia - Martxoak 28
Proyección Documental - 28 Marzo
Screening of the Documentary - 28 March

Intxorta honours the Gipuzkoan children of the war who were evacuated abroad
Saturday March 18, 2023. Donostia
Report and further information here …
Screening of Steve Bowles' "The Guernica Children"

Read this report by Tom Wardle of the screening held on 28 January 2023 at the Hiltingbury Community Centre (AKA the Hilt) in Chandler’s Ford.
It followed on from the successful exhibition Chandler's Ford Library held at the end of 2022.
Pictures by Maite Pinto are on display at the Guggenheim Bilbao
Maite Pinto has exhibited her work at the Guggenheim Bilbao. More information here …

Maite's pictures are available as a set of cards from our shop here …

A further article related to Football/Caerleon from Christopher Evans …
A tale of tragedy and triumph: From Wales to Argentina via the Basque Country
"… Gabriela Karina Andrés, who lives in the coastal city of Mar del Plata in the Buenos Aires province of Argentina, knew that her grandfather had been in Caerleon and that his identification number was 3856 … , but was keen to find out more. When she found out about the footballing success of her grandfather’s team, she contacted her father, Jaime Luis Andrés, Julio’s son, who now lives in Tenerife. He was overjoyed to learn more about his father’s time in Wales …" Read the full article here …
Commentary on Chris's article by "About Basque Country" can be read here …