Our Activities
News & Events 2022

A new SPOTLIGHT now available to view …
Painstaking and meticulous research by both Rob David and Gerald Hoare lets us now present personal information about the children at those colonies of Brampton and Ambleside.
This information has been organised into clear and easily understood spreadsheets or lists.
Click here for our SPOTLIGHT ON … Cumbria

Reports on the Panel Discussion
Held at the University of Southampton, on Wednesday 7 December.

Unveiling of a Sculpture to the Children of the War
Held in Santurtzi on 18 November 2022
Read our collection of bilingual reports of this event here …
Lea nuestros informes bilingües de este evento aquí …
To a flag made by a refugee child
Simon Martinez describes the background to a poem by Jack M'Quoid
Read the article here …
The Basque Children in Great Britain

Gerald Hoare has retrieved from the archives a presentation which Natalia Benjamin gave at the exhibition "El exilio de los niños in Spain" in Madrid in August 2003 …
Natalia condenses the true story of what happened and the effects it had on the children over the few years they were safely away from the horrors of the civil war that was raging in their own country.
Read more here … Leer más aquí …

The Basque Refugee Children in Chandler's Ford
Exhibition at Chandler's Ford Library - 12 November to 31 December
The camp at North Stoneham was in Chandler's Ford in the summer of 1937.
We are very pleased to see the camp remembered there and to see the work of Stuart Allen.

Memorial to the Basque children in Southampton
Click on these links for articles on the unveiling on 22nd October
Article by Anthony D Padgett artist and sculptor
Report and Thank Yous for the memorial to the Basque Children at Town Quay Park, Southampton, by Simon Martinez here …
Reportaje y agradecimiento por el memorial a los niños vascos en Town Quay Park, Southampton, por Simón Martínez aquí …
Photographs of the event in our gallery
Law of Democratic Memory
A new Law of Democratic memory was approved on the 5th of October 2022 and has implications amongst other things, for those seeking Spanish Nationality. It offers a window for obtaining Spanish Nationality / Citizenship for descendants of the Niños and Maestras.
Read this article by Simon Martinez here … More help and guidance from Simon in this document …
El Senado aprueba de forma definitiva la Ley de Memoria Democrática
Se incluyen dos nuevos supuestos de adquisición de nacionalidad española para quienes sufrieron el exilio: los hijos e hijas, nacidos en el exterior, de españolas que perdieron su nacionalidad por casarse con extranjeros antes de 1978, y los hijos e hijas mayores de edad de españoles a quienes les fue reconocida la nacionalidad de origen en virtud del derecho de opción.
Más información aquí …
The Senate definitively approves the Law of Democratic Memory.
Two new circumstances for acquiring Spanish nationality are included for those who suffered exile: the sons and daughters, born abroad, of Spanish women who lost their nationality because they married foreigners before 1978, and the adult sons and daughters of Spaniards whose nationality of origin was recognized by virtue of the right of option.
More information here … (in Spanish)
The Intergenerational Transmission of Memory: The Legacies of Spanish Republican Exile
Call to first, second and third generations of niños to participate in a research project about family memories.
Principal investigator Dr. Monica Jato. Professor of Hispanic Studies at the University of Birmingham, UK. The study focuses on the communication of memory among the first, second and third generations of Spanish exiles. Read full introduction and how to participate here … and recent updates on the project (2023) here …
University of Southampton Special Collection

Remembering … Stories from the Basque child refugee archives Currently on show at the Level 4 Gallery, Hartley Library, University of Southampton until Friday 28 October 2022. Created to mark the 85th anniversary of the arrival of nearly 4,000 children on board the Habana in 1937, it draws on material from the Basque child refugee material at Southampton. We give voice to the children. Read more here … The Hartley Library is open daily, currently until midnight. Visitors to the Library will need to bring photo ID to gain entry to the building.
New Trustees for BCA'37 UK
We are pleased to welcome Karen Robson, Gail Giles and Peter Anderson as new trustees of the Association, joining Carmen Kilner, Ed Packard, Simon Martinez and Willie Black. We look forward to using the additional wealth of experience and expertise of our new trustees in consolidating our archive of material about the Basque Children for the benefit of posterity, and being able to offer more talks and exhibitions locally throughout the UK. Karen Robson is essentially the UK Basque children's archivist and is based in the key location of Southampton where she is Head of Archives and Special Collections at the University of Southampton. Gail Giles has been a powerhouse in research predating the formation of our Association and has been a key contributer and organiser of events in Wales. Peter Anderson is one of the current leading academics of the Basque children. He is based in Leeds where he is Professor of Twentieth-Century Spanish History and Deputy Head of School of History at the University of Leeds.
Athletic Club Bilbao and BCA’37 UK & BCA’37UK-Euskadi
Until December 2022.
Exhibition "The children of '37 in the United Kingdom" at the Museum, San Mamés Stadium, Bilbao.
To view the exhibition you will need to buy tickets for the Museum tour. These are available at doors 19-20. Visits to the exhibition are included with general admission to the Athletic Club Museum and the San Mamés Tour. The Niños del '37 exhibition is in the museum gallery at the end of the tour.
For tickets to the exhibition go to: https://tickets.athletic-club.eus/athleticclub-museo/en_US/tickets.
A report of the inauguration of the exhibition "The children of '37 in the United Kingdom"
by Christopher Evans
Athletic Club Bilbao y BCA'37 UK & BCA'37UK-Euskadi
Hasta diciembre de 2022.
Exposición "Los niños del 37 en el Reino Unido" en el Museo, Estadio de San Mamés, Bilbao.
Para ver la exposición es necesario comprar entradas para la visita al Museo. Éstas están disponibles en las puertas 19-20. La visita a la exposición está incluida en la entrada general al Museo del Athletic Club y en el Tour de San Mamés. La exposición Niños del '37 se encuentra en la galería del museo al final del recorrido.
Las entradas para la exposición se pueden adquirir en: https://tickets.athletic-club.eus/athleticclub-museo/en_US/tickets
Reportaje de la inauguración de la exposición "Los niños del '37 en el Reino Unido"
por Christopher Evans
85th Anniversary commemoration, Caerleon
A full, illustrated report of this major event by Christopher Evans can be viewed here …
A Spanish translation can also be viewed here … [Consulte la versión original en inglés para ver las fotografías]
Postscript by Carmen Kilner
… of the 85th commemorative events at Caerleon here …
… de los actos conmemorativos del 85º aniversario en Caerleon aquí …
Bilbao to Caerleon - The Basque Child Refugees of 1937
Essay by Gail Giles
In 2001 Gail Giles wrote a "long essay" as part of her degree. This is probably the first document written on a single colony - before our association was formed!
Read the essay here …
Caerleon recuerda la acogida galesa a los niños vascos de 1937
This article has just appeared in El Correo, including an interview with First Minister for Wales, Rt. Hon. Mark Drakeford.
Read it here …
English translation of the text can be viewed here …
[Please refer to the original Spanish version for the photographs]

Picasso Presents Gernika
Presented at the UN Headquarters 20th June - World Refugee Day
Opening remarks by UNHCR's Deputy High Commissioner Kelly Clements and European Ambassador Olof Skoog. Interesting talkback afterwards includes acknowledgement to BCA'37 UK!
The show is viewable here …

The Wonder Girls Resist!
Report on the launch event by Jan Carr
Jan writes: "I really wanted to celebrate this brilliant local history that inspired the story …
'In 1937 Southampton took in 4000 child civil war refugees from The Basque Country of Northern Spain and looked after them at a huge children’s camp where an Asda superstore now stands.'
Read the more here …
85th Anniversary of the arrival of the Basque Children

Caerleon, S Wales — 15 & 16th July
The biggest 85th commemorative event of the year. We have dancing singing and football - all the things that the niños did for fundraising, plus much more.
El mayor evento conmemorativo del 85º aniversario del año. Tendremos bailes, cantos y fútbol: todo lo que los niños hacían para recaudar fondos, ¡y mucho más!
Full details can be found here …
Picasso Presents Gernika

The play Picasso Presents Guernica, written by Begoña Echeverria and Directed by Annika Speers, was presented at the UN Headquarters on 20th June, World Refugee Day
This docudrama is about the children evacuated from Euskadi, in particular niños vascos in Britain. The BCA'37 UK, through Carmen Kilner, worked closely with Begoña Echeverria on the research for the play. We can recommend it to all who have not yet seen it.
Opening remarks by UNHCR's Deputy High Commissioner Kelly Clements and European Ambassador Olof Skoog. Interesting talkback afterwards includes acknowledgement to BCA'37 UK!
The show is viewable here …

Doctorate for Natalia Benjamin
We are delighted to announce that Natalia Benjamin, one of the founders of this association, was awarded the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa by Oxford Brookes University.
The event took place on May 23rd.
Natalia was accompanied and ably supported by her daughter Victoria.
Read Natalia's Speech at the event here …
Arrival of Basque children remembered in Southampton
City commemorates the arrival of the Basque children refugees 85 years ago
Read the this Southern Daily Echo report by Maya George here …
Wales is one of the jewels of Europe
This beautifully illustrated report by Christopher Evans, published in Nation Cymru, is on the recent exhibition at the Athletic Club de Bilbao. Read the full report here …
Children fleeing Spanish civil war offered refuge in UK
This editorial from The Guardian May 1937 will be of interest … Read the full article here …
Ayuntamiento de Santurce Acuerdo para Monumento
Las Juventudes Socialistas de Bizkaia han tenido éxito en sus esfuerzos por persuadir al Ayuntamiento de Santurce para que erija un monumento a todos aquellos niños evacuados de ese puerto en 1937. Aplaudimos sus esfuerzos y les felicitamos por su éxito … Lee mas …
Santurce Council Agree to Monument
The Socialist Youth of Bizkaia have achieved success in their efforts to persuade the local council of Santurce to erect a monument to all those children evacuated from that port in 1937. We applaud their efforts and congratulate them on their success. … Read more …
Exposición del Athletic Club
Athletic Club Exhibition
Fantástica cobertura de prensa para la inauguración de la exposición del Athletic Club y BCA'37UK & BCA'37UK-Euskadi Los niños del 37 en el Reino Unido en el AC Museoa San Mamés.
Vea los numerosos vídeos, fotos y artículos.
Nuestro informe en breve.
Fantastic press coverage for the inauguration of the Athletic Club and BCA'37UK & BCA'37UK-Euskadi exhibition Los niños del 37 en el Reino Unido at AC Museoa San Mamés.
See the many videos, photos, and articles.
Our report coming soon.
The Oxford International Brigade Memorial Committee
An evening of song and dance, music and film, and good conversation in solidarity and celebration of our City of sanctuary.
Save the Date! Friday evening 22nd April from 7 'til 11 at The Gladiators Club, Iffley Road, Oxford. Tickets £5 minimum from "We Got Tickets".

A North East welcome for the Basque children in the 1930s
Article of interest by David Walsh, March 27, 2022.

University of Southampton Special Collections
Until October 2022
The Archives and Special Collections will be holding an exhibition in the Level 4 Gallery, Hartley Library, University of Southampton, as part of events to mark the 85th anniversary of the Basque child refugees in the city.
The exhibition will showcase material from the Basque child refugee archives held in the Archives.
Sculpture Trail as a new Perth Museum
There is an initiative by Perth and Kinross council to raise the profile of significant local women. It includes the Duchess of Atholl and a short recording by her. The Duchess is a candidate to be a subject for a new sculpture trail.
There is an archive clip of her talking about the donation of 2 tons of onions and other things to the North Stoneham camp. …
Part of Women's Hour to be found for a limited time on BBC Sounds.
Listen to it here … [from minute 33:45 to 41:20]

Refugees in Cumbria
Those of you who have been interested in the two recently published articles on the Brampton colony [here … and here …] may be interested to read Dr R. David's book:
"A County of Refuge:
Refugees in Cumbria 1933-1941".

How a Basque refugee football team overcame tragedy to take Wales by storm
We would like to draw your attention to this very interesting article by Christopher Evans
It describes the close ties between the Basque country and Wales, and the arrival of the Basque children in Wales. Initially housed at Cambria House, the creation of a football team gave the boys some much-needed escapism. Settling on the name "Basque Boys AFC", the team played a number of games throughout South Wales … Read the full article here …