Our Activities
News & Events 2024
The Basque Child Refugees in the UK

This teaching/educational aid is a "Zine", produced by a group of undergraduate students at Leeds University in 2021,
and which you can download here …
The students came from different disciplines and worked under the guidance of Peter Anderson,
Professor of Twentieth Century Spanish History.
It is an example both of what can be produced by interested and talented students and also of a useful educational aid for
schools investigating this topic.
As is made clear on the introductory page this can be printed, copied and otherwise reproduced without needing further permissions.

New to our Colonies pages:
Moorhill House, near North Stoneham
We are gradually adding to our collection of informative pages on the colonies. Explore it using our interactive map here … To date we have twelve informative pages: Aston, Brampton, Caerleon, Faringdon, Guisborough, Huddersfield, Merriot, Montrose, Moorhill, Swansea, Theydon Bois and Wickham Market. STOP PRESS 'The Oaks', Langham, Colchester has just been added to the list - see here. We're always happy to update the information, or make corrections - just contact us with the details
Exposición en Arasate
País Vasco
Este es un breve reportaje sobre la exposición que se exhibe actualmente en Arasate, País Vasco. La exposición está organizada por Intxorta y el Proyecto Memoria Intergeneracional del grupo liderado por Mónica Jato, junto con BCA'37UK-Euskadi y BCA'37 UK. Reportaje por José Luis Duo (BCA'37UK - Euskadi):
El dia 19 de este mes estuve en Arrasate, en la inauguración de la exposición sobre los niños del 36. En la casa de cultura estábamos más de 200 personas. Hablaron la Diputada General de Gipuzkoa, la alcaldesa de Arrasate y Mónica Jato, que nombró a BCA'37 y explicó quienes somos y lo que hacemos. Hicieron un homenaje a unos cuantos niños del 36 supervivientes La exposición fué muy bien recibida Aquí adjunto una galería de fotos y un cortometraje en YouTube … https://www.intxorta.org/blog/ galeria-fotos-ojo-aguja-ninos-ninas-guerra-guipuzcoa/
Exhibition in Arasate, Euskadi
This is a short report on the exhibition currently on show in Arasate, Euskadi.
The exhibition is presented by Intxorta and the Monica Jato's Intergenerational Memory Project
led by Mónica Jato together with BCA'37UK - Euskadi and BCA'37 UK
Report by José Luis Duo (BCA'37UK - Euskadi):
On the 19th of this month I was in Arrasate for the opening of the exhibition about the children of the 36.
There were more than 200 people in the House of Culture.
The Deputy General of Gipuzkoa, the Mayoress of Arrasate and Monica Jato spoke, naming the BCA'37 and explaining who we are and what we do.
They paid tribute to some of the surviving children of '36.
The exhibition was very well received.
I am attaching a photo gallery and a short film on YouTube …
https://www.intxorta.org/blog/ galeria-fotos-ojo-aguja-ninos-ninas-guerra-guipuzcoa/
New plaque in Langham

The 53 children and their teachers arrived at The Oaks on June 8, 1937, where they would stay for two years. The Oaks was renamed Basque House, after the spacious garden and grounds, and the open countryside of Langham made a lasting impression on the children. A plaque dedicated to Basque child refugees in Langham has recently been put up. For more details see this article from the Colchester Gazette.

From the Oak of Gernika to the Oaks of Langham
Basque refugee children in Langham 1937-9
On Friday 26 July a commemorative plaque in the Basque colours of red, green and white will be unveiled at the Langham Community Centre during the monthly Community Café. More details …
New to our Colonies pages. Sketty Park Home, Swansea

One of the five Welsh colonies. HELP US! On the new colony's page we have photos of the children and names - but not matched up. If anyone can help, please contact us. We and the archives at West Glamorgan, where the original photos are held, would be delighted. See the photos here and the complete colony information here.
Nuevo en nuestras páginas de Colonias. Hogar Sketty Park, Swansea
Una de las cinco colonias galesas. !AYUDANOS! En la página de la nueva colonia tenemos fotos de los niñ@s y nombres - pero no coinciden. Si alguien puede ayudar, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros. Nosotros y los archivos de West Glamorgan, donde están las fotos originales, estaríamos encantados. Vea las fotos aquí y la información completa de la colonia aquí.
Sea of Shadows - a Major Exhibition

June 14 - July 19 2024
Instituto Cervantes Manchester
326-330 Deansgate, Campfield Avenue Arcade, MANCHESTER M3 4FN
Opening hours : Monday to Thursday 9.00 - 18.00, Friday 9.00 - 14.30.
The Instituto Cervantes Manchester is hosting an exhibition called "Sea of Shadows", inspired by the evacuation to Great Britain of around four thousand Basque girls and boys during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). More details here …
El Instituto Cervantes de Manchester abre sus puertas para acoger la exposición «Mar de Sombras», inspirada en el exilio a Gran Bretaña de unos cuatro mil niñas y niños vascos durante la guerra civil española (1936-1939). Más detalles aquí …
Update on the Sea of shadows exhibition
Below is a link to a short video showcasing a few reactions from the audience from the first showing in Manchester.
The Manchester showing was followed by another in Euskadi where it formed part of a larger exhibition in collaboration with Intxorta. Over the next few years there are plans for more showings in both Euskadi and UK and we will keep you updated on these.Picasso Presents Guernika

June 27 2024
At 18.00: Showing of 'Picasso Presents Gernika'.
The playwriter and director will be there to take questions after the show.

April 26 marked the 87th anniversary of the bombing of Gernika. As always on this day, Gernika held a programme of commemorative events. BCA'37UK-Euskadi, representing both associations, was one of many groups invited to lay a floral tribute (provided by the town council) at the monument to the victims of the bombing. This year Nerea Mendikute and her seven year old daughter, Marina, assumed the role of representing both our associations. Nerea has had close ties with us since 2007. Marina wore a hexagonal identification badge and walked with her mother to lay the flowers. The association name is written in Basque on the floral sash.

El 26 de abril se cumplieron 87 años del bombardeo de Gernika. Como siempre en este día, Gernika presentó una serie de actos conmemorativas. BCA'37UK-Euskadi, en representación de ambas asociaciones, fue uno de los muchos grupos invitados a depositar una ofrenda floral (proporcionada por el ayuntamiento) en el monumento a las víctimas del bombardeo. Este año Nerea Mendikute y su hija de siete años, Marina, asumieron el papel de representar a nuestras dos asociaciones. Nerea mantiene una estrecha relación con nosotros desde 2007. Marina llevaba una insignia de identificación hexagonal y acompañó a su madre a depositar las flores. El nombre de la asociación está escrito en euskera en la banda floral. Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor DeepL.com

Brampton Plaque Unveiling, 17 April 2024
Rob David has recently sent us this report. And this report was published by "News & Star - the Cumberland News". You can view the plaque in our Blue Plaques gallery section.
April to May 1937
Several important dates will be marked shortly. We've put together an interesting file on the correspondence between Leah Manning and Wilfrid Roberts from 30 April 1937 to 21 May 1937. The original material is located at The Carlisle Archive Centre.
24th April 1937 - Leah Manning arrives in Bilbao
26th April 1937 - Guernica is bombed
30th April to 21 May 1937 - Leah Manning telegrams and letters and the sailing of the 'Habana'
1) An Introduction
2) A Chronology of transcribed telegram correspondence
3) Three transcribed letters
4) 2 copies of original cablegrams/telegrams
Read it here …

The Guernica Children documentary now on our YouTube channel
We are delighted to announce that we have completed negotiations to bring Steve Bowles' award winning documentary "The Guerica Children" to a wider audience through our YouTube channel. Apart from individuals, we hope that history groups, schools and colleges will be able to use this film as part of their exploration into the history of the Basque Children of 1937. The English Version can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/LSNe_BMPhDI The Spanish version can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/CuW_BAqZcTY Please subscribe to our free channel.
El documental de Los Niños de Guernica ahora en nuestro canal de YouTube
Nos complace anunciar que hemos completado las negociaciones para llevar el documental de Steve Bowles "Los Niños de Guernica", ganador de un premio, a un público más amplio a través de nuestro canal de YouTube. Además de los particulares, esperamos que los grupos de historia, las escuelas y los colegios puedan utilizar esta película como parte de su exploración de la historia de los niños vascos de 1937. La versión en inglés puede verse aquí: https://youtu.be/LSNe_BMPhDI La versión en español puede verse aquí: https://youtu.be/CuW_BAqZcTY Por favor, suscríbase a nuestro canal gratuito.

Cumbria Spotlight updated
We've recently reedited this website page, with updated notes and lists.
View it here …

New Colony Page added
We've recently added a new colony page to our collection: Hutton Hall, Guisborough.
View it here …
Los Leones

We are very pleased to announce the publication of Los Leones by Christopher Evans. This is the first book to be written in English on Athletic Club Bilbao. Apart from detailing the club's history, there are chapters encompassing the civil war in Euskadi and on the Basque children and their contribution to footballing history. Chris is a Welsh journalist and writer, and has worked closely with us on Caerleon events, his home town, and as a journalist has written several articles (all available on our website) bringing the Basque children footballers to public attention. Links for the book and for purchase from Waterstones and Amazon can be found here …

The secrets of Rochester Place
Tony Fox has sent us links to his blog about a mystery novel: "The secrets of Rochester Place" by Iris Costello. It features the story of Fermín Magdalena one of the niños who settled in Middlesbrough after being in the Hutton Hall Colony. Read more here …
The photo of a group of 20 niños is from a Facebook article about Hutton Hall.

Centenary of the first Scottish woman MP
Katharine Murray, Duchess of Atholl
In early December last year the Scottish Parliament celebrated the Centenary of its first woman MP, Katharine Murray, Duchess of Atholl. Two of our members were at the reception and we have their reports: Carmen Coupland, one of the speakers, daughter of a niña and Koldo Sanz, son of two niños de la guerra. Read their reports here …
More background can be found here: Atholl Estates: Duchess Kitty Exhibition
PhD funding opportunity for three students
"Safe and sound? Health, wellbeing and the child refugees
of the Spanish Civil War, 1937-2023"
Historians at Lancaster University, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the University of Manchester are looking to recruit three PhD students to work on a new fully-funded project on the history of the child refugees of the Spanish Civil War. The project is funded by the AHRC North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership (NWCDTP) Team Project Scheme. More details here: PhD funding opportunities – FASS Health Hub (lancs.ac.uk)