Our Activities
News & Events 2019
From a correspondent in Barakaldo …
Great story of the Niños Vascos who played professional football in Britain, and who went back to Spain at the end of the 2WW.
Fantastic newsreel footage of them playing and scoring great goals.
View it here … See also this article about Raimundo Perez Lezama

BCA'37 UK is reaching a wider audience
Our recent note remembering George Steer (see below) was picked up by the "About the Basque Country" web site.
Remembering George Lowther Steer
George Lowther Steer wrote an explosive report of the bombing of Guernica which shocked the British public and led the British Government to action … Read more here … and this lecture transcript here …

BCA'37UK - Euskadi
We are delighted to announce that a new, fellow association "BCA'37UK - Euskadi" has been set up in the Basque country … Read more … Leer mas …
Please click the logo at the bottom of the left hand column of our home page for any news or announcement from BCA'37UK - Euskadi.
New items for sale in our shop

Book — The Spanish Civil War in Barakaldo here …
Cards and original pictures by Maite Pinto here …
Memorabilia — Vapor Habana badge here …
Niños con la memoria de abuelos
Recent article in El Correo about niños who were in Wales. Read it here …
Links across the pond … "Picasso Presents Gernika"
Begoña Echeverria (University of California - UC) recently sent this report relating to her play "Picasso Presents Gernika". Read it here …
Facing Franco's Crimes: The Silence of Others
BBC 4 Storyville on Monday 2 December at 22.00
Winner of the Goya, Spain's Academy Award from the directors Almudena Carracedo and Robert Bahar. "Watch 'the film that wants to stop Spain forgetting'" - The Guardian.
Whilst not directly about the niños de la guerra this is probably of interest to many of you. More information … and the trailer … Available for a time on the BBC iPlayer [May not be available outside UK]
Threads of Exile
6 December, PRESTON
University of Central Lancashire, Preston
Talk by Simon Martínez, BCA'37 UK: The Basque Children Evacuated from Bilbao to Southampton on May 23rd 1937: 'Solo por tres meses' [Only for Three Months].
As part of: 'The 80th Anniversary of the Republican Exile of 1939: Lessons from and for a Modern World Symposium'.
Basque Children - Refugees of the Spanish Civil War
Wednesday 25 September - Friday 29 November SALFORD
Exhibition: Working Class Movement Library, 51 Crescent,
Salford, M5 4WX
Opening times Wednesdays to Fridays 1pm - 5pm and the first Saturday of most months 10am - 4pm. Tel 0161 736 3601.
Mirella Primavera Santamaría Bonilla MBE
We are sad to announce the passing of Mirella Primavera Santamaría Bonilla MBE, the daughter of niño Luis Santamaría.
Details of both the funeral on 15th November in Nottingham, and internment of the ashes on 25th November in Golders Green Crematorium can be seen here …
(De)fragmenting the refugee archive: researching the Basque children of 1937
Wednesday 20 November, COLCHESTER at 10:05
Wivenhoe House Hotel, University of Essex, Colchester.
Short talk by Ed Packard, BCA'37 UK Trustee - Part of a one-day Seminar: Capturing testimony of the contemporary migrant crisis.
Spanish Exiles in the UK: History and Legacies
12 November, LONDON
Keynes Library, School of Arts, Birkbeck, University of London,
43 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PD
… this event brings together scholars and artists to discuss the presence and legacies of Spanish Republican exiles in Britain …
El exilio de los niños vascos en el Reino Unido y el Museo de la Educación de la Universidad del País Vasco
8 de noviembre, GONESSE, cerca PARIS, Francia
Una conferencia por Luis Mª Naya y Paulí Dávila, UPV/EHU en collaboración con BCA'37 UK. Dentro de la Jornada de Estudio: El niño, la familia, la escuela y la sociedad.
The exile of Basque children in the United Kingdom and the Museum of Education of the University of the Basque Country
8th November,GONESSE, nr PARIS, France
A talk: by Luis Mª Naya and Paulí Dávila, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in collaboration with BCA'37 UK. Part of a Study Day: The child, the family, the school and the society.
10 octubre en EITB2 "Vascos por el Mundo"
Espacio en el que un equipo de reporteros se traslada a diversos países del mundo para narrar las historias de los vascos que allí residen.
En este programa "Vascos por el Mundo" hemos tenido la rara oportunidad de compartir un poco sobre la asociación cuando Iñaki Azpiazu de BCA’37UK habló con uno de sus reporteros en Southampton.
10 October EITB (Basque TV) "Basques throughout the world."
A programme where a team of reporters visit different countries of the world to find the stories of Basque people who live there.
In this programme "Vascos por el Mundo" we have had the rare opportunity to share a little bit about the association when Iñaki Azpiazu of BCA’37UK spoke to one of their reporters at Southampton.

Aquello fue entonces y así es ahora
(That was then but this is now)
A new, Spanish edition of this book by Andy Grigg is now available, published by Comares in Spain.
This has a chapter on the Basque children evacuated to Britain on the SS Havana.
Basque Children - Refugees of the Spanish Civil War
Wednesday 23 October 2pm WCML telephone 0161 736 3601
Talk linked to the exhibition: The Children of Guernica - the evacuation of children during the Spanish Civil War. Internationalism and Solidarity by Simon Martinez - a trustee of the BCA'37UK.
Wednesday 25 September - Friday 29 November SALFORD
Exhibition: Working Class Movement Library, 51 Crescent,
Salford, M5 4WX
Opening times Wednesdays to Fridays 1pm - 5pm and the first Saturday of most months 10am - 4pm. Tel 0161 736 3601.
Saturday October 12th NEEDHAM, Norfolk
Needham Village Hall, High Road, Needham, IP20 9LB at 2.00pm
Waveney Valley Community Archeology Group presents a talk:
The Basque Children in Suffolk by Dr Ed Packard, trustee BCA'37 UK.
All welcome: members £2.00, non-members £3.00.
Tuesday 8th October, BARTONSHAM, Hereford
At The Barrels at 7.30pm Bartonsham History Group
Hereford's Basque Refugees a talk by Maria Dolores (Lita) Power, BCA'37 UK.
More details at: www.bartonshamhistory.org.uk.
Friday 4 October 2019 LONDON
Amnesty International UK
Screening of Herencias del 36 (Legacies of 1936)
We think that this event may be of interest to our readers even though it does not directly include anything about the evacuation of children from Spain during the Spanish Civil War - so far as we know.
Following Franco's repression in Spain, there are still more than 114,000 disappeared victims. According to the UN, Spain is the second country with the largest number of forced disappearances, only after Cambodia …
The screening is free to attend, but seats must be reserved in advance.

Guernica Remakings
26 July – 22 September LONDON
11:00-20:00 (closed Mondays)
Exhibition: The National Poetry Library, 5th floor Festival Hall, Southbank Centre
Multi art form exhibition curated by Nicola Ashmore, Guernica Remakings features artwork from across the globe that remakes Picasso's Guernica …
El exilio vasco tras la Guerra Civil
17 June - 23 September BILBAO Mondays to Fridays
Exhibition: Gogora, María Díaz de Haro, 3 – 3ª Planta 48013 Bilbao.
Peter Anderson's talk now on Youtube

On 7 March at the Instituto Cervantes, Dr Peter Anderson of Leeds University delivered a talk: The Basque Children - The end of the Spanish Civil War and the beginning of the exile for the Niños.
This is also now available to view on YouTube
Curso Diasporas y Fronteras
[Diasporas and Frontiers]
21-23 de agosto/August LLANES, Asturias

Casa de Cultura del Ayuntamiento, Llanes, Asturias.
Includes a talk by Adrian Bell on 22 August [22 de agosto] at 19:30 in the CASA DE LA CULTURA:
'Sólo serán tres meses': Los niños vascos refugiados en el exilio de Inglaterra.
For any further information contact: Mr. Higinio del Río 'Casa de La Cultura (Llanes)' at: cultura@ayuntamientodellanes.com.
Tues 17 September - 17 October, GALWAY
Galway City Centre Library, St Augustine Street, Galway H91 R6WF
Museum of Childhood Ireland Project presents the 2nd exhibition in their series 'Children in War': The Basque Children of '37
Open 2 - 5pm Monday 11 - 8pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday11 - 5pm Friday and Saturday
31 August - 16 September LIMERICK
Limerick City Library The Granary, Michael Street, Limerick
Museum of Childhood Ireland Project presents the 2nd exhibition in their series 'Children in War': The Basque Children of '37
Open 10am - 5pm Monday, Wednesday, Fridayand Saturday 10am - 8pm Tuesday and Thursday
Sat 17 August - 30 August CORK (this is Heritage Week 2019)
Cork City Library, 57-61 Grand Parade, Cork,T12 NT99
Museum of Childhood Ireland Project presents the 2nd exhibition in their series 'Children in War': The Basque Children of '37
Open 10.00am - 5.30pm, Monday - SaturdayThursday 18 July - 16 August DUBLIN
Europe House, 12-14 Lower Mount Street Lower, Dublin D02 W710
Museum of Childhood Ireland Project presents the 2nd exhibition in their series 'Children in War': The Basque Children of '37
Open 9am - 5pm, Monday-Friday. Entrance is free.Thursday 18 July 2019 - July 2020 IRELAND
Spanish Crossings at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
11 August, EDINBURGH 3.30pm
John Simmons will be talking about his book.
This year's festival has quite a strong Basque thread. Details about John's event here … and About the whole programme here …
Documentation Centre of the Guernica Peace Museum
We have recently received a reminder about the searchable content on the museum's web site.
The site contains many relevant reports, documents and books. The main objective of the Documentation Center is to disseminate all information regarding the bombing of Gernika, the history of the Gernika-Lumo, the Spanish Civil War and the exile: compiled from different archives of Euskadi, the state and abroad.
Refugee Scrap Book: Memories Past & Present
Friday, 26 July 2019 - 10:00am LONDON

A family workshop for children aged 6-10 with artist facilitator Ella Phillips.
Marx Memorial Library, 37a Clerkenwell Green, London, EC1R 0DU
Create your own bound scrap book! We will look at excerpts from the rarely seen scrapbook on the Basque refugee children from the Spanish Civil War (1936-9) who arrived in Britain …
For children aged 6-10.
Contact — Email: m.jump@marx-memorial-library.org.uk,
Phone: 0207 253 1485
Film screening: Syria's Disappeared:
The case against Assad and Disappeared
6 July LANCASTER, 2.00pm
To be shown at the Lancaster Priory, Priory Close, Lancaster, LA1 1YZ
The Invisible War of Syria, presented by the Children's War Museum: www.childrens-war-museum.co.uk
Many of you may remember that Brian Devlin has helped us set up several exhibitions and events whilst struggling to establish the Children's War Museum. It is now a reality online - its aim is to show the adverse effect that war has on children. Most of the museum's work centres on children who today are experiencing similar traumatic times to those suffered by the Basque Children in 1937.
IBMT Annual Commemoration
6 July LONDON Jubilee Gardens, London Southbank
To be held 1pm-2pm at the International Brigade memorial: music, spoken word and remembrance. It will be followed by an informal get-together at the nearby Camel & Artichoke, 122 Lower Marsh Street, London SE1 7AE.
For more information contact: secretary@international-brigades.org and at www.international-brigades.org.uk/#facebook
Santurzi Historian Zehar
We have received a series of interesting articles (in Spanish) by Jon Fernández García de Iturrospe that appear on Santurzi Historian Zehar blog. He is a librarian and archivist of the history of Santurzi. He has kindly given us permission to put these links on our website.
Flotsam and Jetsam
This Tumblr link has recently been brought to our attention. It is a blog entry made some years ago by Simon Martin, curator of the Pallant House Gallery. These photos of Stoneham camp by the photographer Edith Tudor-Hart are both evocative and iconic and well worth viewing.
Note: Tumblr requires acceptance of "personalised" advertising.
Photos of Blue Plaques

We've just uploaded into our gallery photos of a number of blue plaques attached to buildings that were former colonies.
More information about these commemorative plaques can be found in our "Activites" pages here …
Scrapbook Tells a Story
17-23 June Refugee Week Online exhibition, Marx Memorial Library
Spanish Civil War child refugee online exhibition.
A niño at D-Day

Alfredo Emilio Ruiz came over to Britain on the Habana - one of the niños de la guerra.
He joined the British navy and was the only Spaniard to take part in the Juno beach landing on 6th June 1944. The current article in El Correo, commemorates this (towards the bottom of the page).
Further reports of his life can be seen in the obituaries section and here
La historia de 'The niños vascos', los refugiados de la Guerra Civil en Inglaterra
A recent item of interest in the Spanish press
SS Habana leaving Santurce
We have been sent this fascinating link which, among other things, shows a short footage made from one of the Bous (Republican armed fishing boats), of the SS Habana leaving Santurce on May 21st 1937. The link is at the beginning of the second paragraph where it says En este video. More information here …

Friday 31st May - Sunday 2nd June THAXTED ESSEX
Several local venues
In the village of Thaxted in Essex, a meeting of Morris Dancers is held each year. In 1939 a group of young Basques danced at the weekend event.
To mark the 80th anniversary of this visit, a group of Basque Dancers from Berriz are attending the weekend. There will be an exhibition by BCA'37 UK on display at the Church.
[We thank the Thaxted Morris Men for permission to use the photo of Basque boys dancing at Saffron Walden in 1939.]
16 July LONDON
Marx Memorial Library, 27a Clerkenwell Green LONDON EC1R 0DU
Storytelling adventure: finding a safe home
This event for families and children under 5s accompanies our joint exhibition at Islington Museum with the Association for the Basque Children of the UK on 15 June - 16 July (see above).
Sessions 10.00 - 10.45am and 10.45 - 11.30am.
15 June to 16 July LONDON
Islington Museum, 245 St John Street, London EC1 4NB
Exhibition and events for adults and children: The Basque Children
— the story of the Child Refugees from the Spanish Civil War
Open Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm (Closed Wednesday & Sunday)
Telephone: 0207 527 3235
NOTE: Some events need booking
St Barnabas Centre, Mill Road, Cambridge CB1 2BD, 7:30pm

na-mara concert at the Cambridge Folk Club in association with the Mill Road History Society.
Hear the story of the Spanish Civil War and the child refugees brought to this country in 1937 from Bilbao. There is some local significance in this as there were a number of children brought to Cambridge at the time, many settled here including Antonio and José Gallego who later went on to have local and national football careers.
See also this article featuring the unveiling of a Blue Plaque in Station Road, Cambridge.
The St Barnabas Centre (formerly known as the Old School Hall) is behind St Barnabas Church and accessed from St Barnabas Road.
Tickets: £8 in advance, £10 at the door.
cambridgefolkclub.co.uk —
Telephone: 01638 603986
Thursday 18 July DUBLIN
European Commission DUBLIN. Europe House, 12-14 Mount Street Lower, Dublin D02 W710
The Museum of Childhood Ireland Project presents:
The Basque Children of '37 Exhibition
6.30pm Exhibition launch event and panel discussion (will include Adrian Bell, Stewart Reddin and Carmen Kilner)
Thursday 18 July 2019 - July 2020 IRELAND

Various venues — see programme below
The Museum of Childhood Ireland Project (MCI Project) presents:
The Basque Children of '37 Exhibition.
This is the 2nd in the series of MCI Projects traveling exhibitions on
Children in War.
The tour will start:
Thurs 18 July - mid August, European Commission, DUBLIN
Sat 17 August - mid Sept, CORK City Library (inc. Heritage Week 2019)
Tues 17 September - mid October, GALWAY City Library
This will be followed by a month each at other city libraries including: Co. Mayo, Co. Leitrim, and Derry and Belfast Central Libraries in January and February 2020.
Other venues, dates and details will be announced on the web and in the eNotices when available. Other venues, dates and details will be announced on the web and in the eNotices when available.
Annual Reunion Lunch - Sunday 19 May 2019 Melia Whitehouse Hotel, LONDON
The Annual Reunion Lunch to remember the arrival of the Niños Vascos in Southampton in May 1937 will be held on Sunday 19 May 2019 at the Melia Whitehouse Hotel, Albany Street, Regent´s Park, London NW1 3UP.
Any Niño Vasco, relation of a Niño Vasco, or anyone connected with the evacuation of the children from Bilbao in 1937 is very welcome to join us.
These reunions are an opportunity to catch up with old friends and to remember why the evacuation took place.
For further information call Luis Jarero on 07788 715971 or by
email at luisjarero@yahoo.com.
Saturday 18 May HULL
Hull History Centre, Worship Street, Hull, HU2 8BG
Spanish Civil War Study Day (1.30pm-4.30pm) as part of the Hull and the Spanish Civil War programme. Talks from 1.30pm to 4.30pm, includes those by Manuel Moreno and Simon Martinez of BCA'37 UK, who will also displaying the BCA'37 UK's exhibition and bookstall with items for sale about the Children.
More details here … and a flyer for the event here …
25 April - 8 May GLASGOW & EDINBURGH
Retrospective on Basque Films
The Retrospective features over a dozen films from the 1980s through today, which range from cult classics to recent releases. Together they provide a multi-dimensional portrait of Basque culture, with its own language, tradition and customs. The programme of films looks particularly at themes like Understanding the Basque Conflict, and rethinking Land and Tradition.
Screenings and events will take place in Edinburgh and Glasgow, but the retrospective also travels to London, Manchester and Leeds from 25th April to the 24th May 2019 and will see leading Basque directors, artists and animators attending events in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
The Retirada
An interesting article from the Guardian on the Retirada - which affected the families of many of the Basque niños de la guerra.: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/feb/09/franco-spain-refugees-haunted-by-the-past-retirada?CMP=share_btn_link
Spain and Culture - Royal Albert Hall on the 24 June 1937

The Association has been sent the fundraising flyer for the Basque Children that was given to the audience at this event.
Terry Caven sent it to us and tells us that his grandfather attended the concert and it was kept securely in his papers.
The artist Edmund Xavier Kapp is noted as the only artist for whom Pablo Picasso sat as a subject. He was also a War Artist and was commissioned to draw scenes at Air Raid Shelters in 1940.
The Association is very grateful for Terry sending a copy of the flyer.
Click the image for a larger view and see also this report.
Mi padre - un Niño de la Guerra

Rob García presenta una charla sobre Los Niños Vascos - Club Hispánico de Hillingdon.
Jueves 2 de mayo, 2019, 19.45, £3.00.
More details here …
or by email here: hillingdonspanishclub@gmail.com
Monday 1 April - Tuesday 30 April GUERNICA
The Astra Arts Centre, Guernica, Spain
Exhibition: The Basque Children.
A joint exhibition by BCA'37UK and Maite Pinto.
Each year in April the city of Guernica commemorates the terrible bombing which occurred on the
twenty-sixth of that month in 1937. This year is the eighty second anniversary of the events …
More information …
Friday 12 April GUERNICA
The Astra Arts Centre, Guernica, Spain
Award winning film directed by Steve Bowles: The Children of Guernica.
Including Q &A with Manuel Moreno and Simon Martinez of the BCA'37UK. More information …
Click the image for an enlarged view …
Monday 18 March - Friday 5 April LEEDS
Leeds Central Library, Municipal Buildings, Calverley Street,
Leeds LS1 3AB
The Basque Children, Exhibition
Friday, 29th March, ST ALBANS
The Maltings Art Theatre, Level 2,The Maltings,St Albans,AL1 3LH. 8.00pm
Gig by Na-Mara and launch of new CD: Sisters and Brothers.
NOTE: the venue has been changed since we posted this earlier.
Thursday 28 March LEEDS
University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT
The University of Leeds will host a conference to commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the end of the civil war. It will bring together some of the best and latest research on Republican refugees during and after the conflict.
Programme details are summarised here. More information and booking can be done at Eventbrite here.
**Please note that Paul Preston's keynote planned for 27th March is ticketed separately and has now sold out**
The afternoon talks include those by Simon Martinez, BCA'37UK and Dr Scott Soo, University of Southampton.
BBC Radio 4: Spain's Lost Generations - Lucas Laursen
Monday 18 March and Monday 25 March, 11.00am
Episode one: Franco's disappeared
Episode two: The Missing Children
Saturday 23rd March OXFORD
Kellogg College, 60-62 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 6PN
Football and the Spanish Civil War
IBMT Len Crome Memorial Conference Oxford
Wednesday 13 March SALFORD
WCML 51 Crescent, Salford, M5 4WX, telephone 0161 736 3601, 2 - 4pm
Guernica Remakings
Talk by Nicola Ashmore (curator of the exhibition — see details above)
A report of the event by Simon Martinez can be read here …
Thursday 7 March LONDON
Instituto Cervantes de Londres, 15-19 Devereux Court, London WC2R 3JT (nearest tube Temple/Holborn) — 7-9 pm
The Basque Children - The end of the Spanish Civil War and the beginning of the exile for the Niños
Talk by Dr Peter Anderson (University of Leeds)
Summary of the content of this significant talk can be read here … and a full version here …
A report of the event by Barbara Coombs can be read here …
This is also now available to view on YouTube
Venancio Zornoza and wife Olwen

It is with sadness that we inform you of the passing of Venancio Zornoza on Friday 22nd February.
From their son Manny Zornoza:
"It is with sadness that I have to let you know that my father, Venancio Zornoza, passed away on the evening of the 22nd February 2019 in Worthing hospital.
Sadly his wife, Olwen Zornoza, later passed away on the morning of the 25th February 2019.
They leave behind 2 sons, Manuel and Luis, two granddaughters,
Caroline and Sarah, a great
grandson, Freddie and a great-granddaughter, Ellie."
Our very deepest condolences and sympathy go to their sons Luis and Manuel and all the family.
The cremations will be held on Friday, 15 March at 3.00pm, at Worthing Crematorium, Horsham Rd, Findon, West Sussex BN14 0RG.
Article about Leah Manning
Here is a link to a further article about Leah Manning by Gregorio Arrien that appeared recently in the Basque newspaper Deia: https://www.deia.eus/2018/12/15/sociedad/historias-de-los-vascos/leah-manning-la-educadora-con-un-homenaje-pendiente-
Review of 2018

We have recently prepared our "Annual Report and Accounts" for 2018.
Friday 22 February BOLTON
Bolton Socialist Club, 16 Wood Street, Bolton BL1 1DY, 7.00pm
Basque Children in Bolton - The Watermillock Colony
Talk by Simon Martinez. See also:
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10216677239020550& set=gm.2350557845176786&type=3&sfns=mo
Tuesday 19 February BARNES, LONDON
FiSH Neighbourhood Care, Barnes Green Centre, Church Road, Barnes,
London SW13 9HE, 10.30 coffee, 11.00-11.50
Talk: Evacuation of the Basque Children to Britain in 1937
by Manuel Moreno.
Note: the venue is near Barnes and Barnes Bridge stations; there is limited on-site parking.
28th January Beach House, WORTHING

The rededication and unveiling of the renovated blue plaque commemorating the Basque children's stay at Beach House.
A report of the event by Meirian Jump can be read here.
Press reports: The Worthing Herald report here, and: The Worthing Society report here.
Photos of the event can also be found in our gallery here.
School visits
The Association is keen to raise awareness of the events of 1937 by offering talks to schools. Read Carmen Kilner's reports on recent visits.
El niño vasco de Mansilla de las Mulas
Paco Robles, a niño, has been in the news recently following the publication and launch of a book about his life and memories by the Asturian author Miguel Ángel Fernández.
More information at these web sites:
Thursday 31 January - Wednesday 20 March SALFORD
WCML 51 Crescent, Salford, M5 4WX, telephone: 0161 736 3601
Guernica Remakings, Exhibition
Though not directly about the Basque children, we think that this may be of interest to you.
Monday 28 January WORTHING
Beach House, Brighton Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 2EJ 11am-12noon
Rededication of restored plaque at site of Beach House colony.
Unveiling by Mayor of Worthing, followed by refreshments.
10 years have lapsed since the original plaque was unveiled and it was in very poor condition. Worthing Borough Council have just had it restored, at their expense, and it is due to be unveiled on Monday 28 January between 11-12 together with the other 2 plaques on Beach House. Afterwards Mr and Mrs Richards are kindly hosting coffee/drinks in their apartment, The Ayrton Suite.
Anyone with links to this colony, or who lives locally and has links to BCA'37 UK is invited to attend. If you wish to attend please contact Mascha Richards
Tel: 01903-214519
12 January GLASGOW
Anderston and Kelvingrove Church, 759 Argyle St,
Glasgow G3 8DS, 1:00 pm
Developing a Children's War Museum
The aim is to present children's experience of war through their own voices and creativity — from the Basque children of 1937 to Syrian children now.
This special meeting is open to all interested parties to discuss our plans to become a registered charity with OSCR (Scottish Charity Regulator) and how we can develop the museum.
The biggest challenge in completing the application is getting the business plan and financial reporting details sorted out so we need to find someone with experience in that area to help us.
If you can think of anyone who may be interested in supporting the museum's work in any way, do let them know about this meeting. I am hoping that everyone who comes along will be able to contribute their ideas so that we can get the charity registered.
If you wish to attend, or are interested but cannot attend, please contact Brian Devlin at Eildon@hotmail.co.uk, or call 01896 756402.