Ricardo Martínez Balda

Ricardo Martínez Balda was born in Donostia, Spain on 03/04/1923. He was evacuated from Bilbao to England in the old steamship "Habana" together with approximately 4000 other Niños Vascos. On arrival in Southampton on 23rd May 1937 they were sent to a camp at North Stoneham in Eastleigh. From here Ricardo was sent to a colony in Brampton, Cumbria
Ricardo became a successful engineer. He had a son who sadly passed away years ago, as did his partner.
After retirement he had wanted to spend his later years in Spain, but due illness he was prevented from achieving his dream. Until his last days he enjoyed looking up into the sky and would follow the airplanes with a big smile and a nostalgic look.
Ricardo spent his last years at St Augustine's Residential Home in Addleston where he enjoyed both the beautiful gardens and the exceptional care of the Sisters Hospitallers. He was treated with great dignity by the staff. Sadly, he passed away in St Peter's Hospital in Chertsey on New Years' Day, 2017.
We have received the following details for Ricardo's funeral …
Miércoles 8 de febrero 2017
St Augustine's Care Home
Simplemarch Road
KT15 1HH
Misa: 14:15 En la capilla de la residencia
Crematorio: 15:30
Se ofrecerá un ágape en St Augustine’s Care Home
Aquellos que deseen asistir al funeral de Ricardo Martínez Balda, por favor, comunicádmelo por teléfono o correo electrónico con el fin de organizar el transporte:, 07535 890821