The Colonies
Moorhill House, West End, North Stoneham, Southampton SO30 3AY - Moorhill House

plus 2 maestras & 2 auxiliaries
other children joined later
Miss Lewis (Cook)
Carmen Cimorra Aramburu de Orbegoso (Maestra No.68)
Eulalia Mateo Urteaga de Gómez (Supernumerary)

Short notes
- Moorhill house photograph reproduced with acknowledgements to the West End Local History Society [Westender Newsletter Volume 4 Number 6 July-August 2004]
- The first Moorhill House was built in the mid-19th century with several other large houses along the Moorhill Road.
- In 1960, the original Moorhill House was demolished, and a covered reservoir built on the site.
- Moorhill House was a few miles from the North Stoneham camp and was used initially as an infirmary before it became one of the first 'colonies' to be established. (see the article below from Warwick Digital Archives)
Articles concerning this colony
Names of Niños and Niñas at Moorhill House — compiled by Gerald Hoare
Extract of an interview with Josefina and María del Carmen
Antolín Pintado — by Natalia Benjamin
Child Refugees from Bilbao and Basque Camp at North Stoneham, near Southampton — Warwick Digital Archives
Nerea Wachter Galindo Dissertation (see page 22) — by Nerea Wachter Galindo
The Basque Children in Great Britain (page 5) — by Natalia Benjamin
Unknown, unseen but not forgotten — by Gerald Hoare
Basques at Stoneham — by Mark Phillimore
Other items of interest
by Alicia Pozo-Gutiérrez and Padmini Broomfield [pages 93-4, 106,124 & 144]
Publisher's Synopsis This book is based on a doctoral thesis at the University of Southampton, in the UK, that studies the memories of the Basque Children of the War that were exiled there in 1937. With this work Sabin-Fernandez also closes a chapter of her own history since her mother was one of the 4,000 children that left Santurtzi, Biscay in the boat named Habana destined for Southampton.
This book appears to be out of print, but may be available on some second-hand sites.Links to external sites concerning this colony
Moorhill House | Hampshire Garden Trust Research
Refugee children – Southampton collections online
Basque Children - Sotonopedia, 1937