
Luis Santamaria

Luis Santamaria Garcia

Born 18th October 1926 in Bilbao
Died 4 July 2024 in Nuneaton

We were informed of Luis’s death by his son Luis Angel. We send our condolences to his family and friends. We mourn the loss of one of our best known niños and regular attender to the annual comida. Read Luis Ángel's homage to his father here

Luis Angel would also like us to announce the details of his father's funeral:

Funeral of Luis Santamaria Garcia

Thursday 19th September 2024 at 11:30am
Golders Green Crematorium
62 Hoop Lane, Golders Green
London NW11 7NL
(Nearest tube: Golders Green Station - Northern Line)

Luis Angel asks, "If you would like to make a donation in our father's memory
to the Basque Children's Association - BCA'37 UK, then here are the details for BACS transfers:
Sort Code: 08-92-99
A/c no. 65827024
Co-op Bank, Account name BCA’37 UK
Please reference your donation — "LS" followed by your surname.