Reference Material

Law of Democratic Memory

A new Law of Democratic memory was approved on the 5th of October 2022 and has implications amongst other things, for those seeking Spanish Nationality. It offers a window for obtaining Spanish Nationality / Citizenship for descendants of the Niños and Maestras.

Read this article by Simon Martinez here … More help and guidance from Simon in this document …

This recent report from Simon also notes that the FUE evidence should help satisfy the Law of Democratic Memory 2022 by which descendants can become Spanish again.

El Senado aprueba de forma definitiva la Ley de Memoria Democrática

Se incluyen dos nuevos supuestos de adquisición de nacionalidad española para quienes sufrieron el exilio: los hijos e hijas, nacidos en el exterior, de españolas que perdieron su nacionalidad por casarse con extranjeros antes de 1978, y los hijos e hijas mayores de edad de españoles a quienes les fue reconocida la nacionalidad de origen en virtud del derecho de opción.

Más información aquí …

The Senate definitively approves the Law of Democratic Memory.

Two new circumstances for acquiring Spanish nationality are included for those who suffered exile: the sons and daughters, born abroad, of Spanish women who lost their nationality because they married foreigners before 1978, and the adult sons and daughters of Spaniards whose nationality of origin was recognized by virtue of the right of option.

More information here … (in Spanish)