Reference Material

Reports of Events

Report by Rob David

Report by Simon Martínez

Report on the talk given by Simon Martínez and Henry Holborn at the Friends Meeting House, Lancaster

Report on the launch event by Jan Carr

Report by Simon Martinez

Report by Derek Doyle

Informe por Derek Doyle

Report by Jan Carr

Report by Mariano García Borreguero

Report by Simon Martinez

Report by Dr Edward Packard Joshua Burns and family viewing the archives Joshua Burns and Carmen Kilner

Talk by Simon Martinez – a Trustee of the BCA'37UK - at the Leicester Secular Society on Sunday 19 January 2020. Report by Barbara Coombs

Symposium held 5,6 December at the University of Central Lancashire, Preston
Report by Barbara Coombs

Exhibition 25 September to 22 November 2019 at the Working Class Movement Library
Report by Simon Martinez

Review of the talk given for the Bartonsham History Group on 8 October 2019 by Maria Dolores (Lita) Power

Conference held on 27 & 28 March 2019 at the University of Leeds
Report by Scott Ramsey (University of Leeds)

Report by Carmen Kilner

Report by Carmen Kilner

Report by Simon Martinez

Report by Simon Martinez

Report by Carmen Kilner

Report by Simon Martinez

Report by Barbara Coombs

Report by Simon Martinez

Report by Edward Packard

Report by Barbara Coombs

Report by Barbara Coombs

Report by Meirian Jump

Report by Carmen Kilner

Review by Simon Martinez

Report on the event by Barbara Coombs

Report by Simon Martinez

Report by María Dolores Power

Report by Barbara Coombs and Simon Martinez

Report by Simon Martinez

Report by Barbara Coombs

Report by Carmen Kilner

Report by Savannah Hawley

Report by Barbara Coombs

Report by Dr Edward Packard

Report on Mike Levy's talk

Report by Barbara Coombs

Report by Barbara Coombs

Report by Simon Martinez

Report by Carmen Coupland

Report by Barbara Coombs

Report by María Dolores (Lita) Power

Report by Barbara Coombs

Report by Carmen Kilner

Report by Simon Martinez

Report by Simon Martinez

Report by Carmen Kilner