Reference Material
Other Web Sites & Links
Web Sites of Interest

Modern Records Centre at Warwick University
Very informative archive of documents charting some of the major events in the history of the Basque Children's evacuation in 1937.

Innovation and Human Rights
The main project of Innovation and Human Rights is to compile an online central database of victims of the Spanish Civil War and the Franco regime. The database currently includes 700,000 records all supported with references to archives and/or research. It may be searched by name and surname. We publish everything in Spanish, Catalan and English.

The government of Navarra
The government of Navarra, in agreement with several publishers, has released an online search tool focused on the events of 1936 in Navarra.
The database in which the tool searches includes the Government archive and also all the books published about the topic.
You can search by name, last name, town, affiliation …

Documentation Centre of the Guernica Peace Museum
Main objective is to disseminate all information regarding the bombing of Gernika,
the history of the Gernika-Lumo, the Spanish Civil War and the exile.

Gogora - Institute for Remembrance, Coexistence and Human Rights
A forum where victims and society can share their remembrance of the past with a view to helping to build peaceful coexistence.
It has been set up with the remit of coordinating public policies on remembrance in our country;
to preserve and pass on the memory of the traumatic, violent experiences of the past hundred years: the Civil War,
the Franco dictatorship, the terrorism of ETA and unlawful counterterrorist attacks;
memories of suffering unjustly caused and efforts to construct and defend democratic coexistence
and a society based on the defence of human rights and peace, even in the most adverse circumstances.

Is an independent photographic archive based in Kent which licenses photographs and images globally,
across all subjects and eras, to anyone needing to use them in practically any context.
TopFoto not only owns some of the most significant Fleet Street news archives of the 20th century
but also represents major collections such as Punch magazine cartoons,
plus the great European photographic archives Alinari of Florence and Roger Viollet of Paris.
Intervention?: British Politics and Basque Refugee Children During the Spanish Civil War, Senior Thesis by Natalie Brewer, Pacific University, Oregon, May 2006

University of Warwick
Trabajadores: The Spanish Civil War through the eyes of organised labour.

Special Collections, housed in the Hartley Library, University of Southampton
This is where we deposit our archives and where you can see past newsletters, publications, listings of events and details of the collections.

University of Southampton
Ph.D. thesis of Susana Sabin-Fernández: "The Basque refugee children of the Spanish Civil War in the UK: memory and memorialisation"
Spectacle Productions Ltd
This is an independent documentary production company covering a wide range of social and political issues.
These include an interview with John 'Bosco' Jones recorded in 1985 on his involvement in the anti-fascist
movements in London in the 1930's and his participation in the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War.
The two web pages show the video interviews and an extensive list of links.
Other Links
The Association also has established links with the following: