The Colonies

The Oaks, School Road, Langham, Colchester, CO4 5PA - The Oaks, Langham

The Oaks, School Road, Langham, Colchester, CO4 5PA - The Oaks, Langham
The Oaks, School Road, Langham, Colchester, CO4 5PA
Initially 50 children, with more joining from other colonies
Initially Mr Stirling & Mr Darling
See here for more staff details, Maestras and Auxiliares.
Peque Cecilia Gurich
Berta Gurich
Thalia(Natalia?) Gurich
Josefa Celia Echevarria Rivera
Amada Renouard Echano
Rafaela Collado Moreno
June 1937
set043-1250 set043-1251
Click to view photos in the gallery

Short notes

  • 'The Oaks' Langham was sponsored by the Peace Pledge Union

Articles concerning this colony

Staff at the colony 

From National Joint Committee bulletin 

Quotations from Peace News 'Under the Oak Tree' 

Commemorative blue plaque at Langham 

The Basque Children in Great Britain 

Natalia Benjamin talks about her mother whom she knew to have worked at Langham 

Assumed Initial Names of Niños at 'The Oaks' — compiled by Gerald Hoare

Additional Assumed Names of Niños who may have been at 'The Oaks' — compiled by Gerald Hoare

Newsletter items concerning this colony

Newsletter No. 3, page 5 — 'My life' by Teodora (Dora) Bueno

Newsletter No. 2, page 2 — Secretary's Report talks about photos and drawings

Newsletter No. 8, page 6 — Langham features in review of 'Recuerdos: Basque Children Refugees in Great Britain'

Newsletter No. 12, page 4 — Featured in review of 'A Suitable Climate: The Basque Refugee Children at Hutton Hall'

Newsletter No. 6, page 2 — Mentioned in Secretary's Report

Newsletter No. 5, page 9 — 'From wartime memories to an English paradise' by Peque (Cecilia) Gurich

Other items of interest

Natalia Benjamin's bilingual book 'Recuerdos – Basque children refugees in Great Britain' contains first-person accounts by the niños de la guerra of their journey and stay in Britain. [More details in our shop] The following were at 'The Oaks':
Félix Amat Irazola (p. 8)
Teodora Bueno Fernández (p. 38)
Manuel Leceta Ortiz (p. 87)
Valeriana Llorente Guerrero (p. 88)
Leonor Marcos Prieto (p. 99)
Tomás Núñez Toledo (p.121)
Vicente Rodríguez Elorza (p.140)
Pablo Valtierra Martínez (p.164)

Links to external sites concerning this colony

Langham Village: The Oaks

Langham commemorates refugee children from the 1930s

BHO: British History Online - Langham

A collection pencil drawings of the niños from 'The Oaks' made by Richard Murry

BCA'37 UK papers at the Southampton Archives