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Association Notices

The Law of Democratic Memory / Claiming Spanish Nationality Read about it here … or email Simon Martínez to discuss NOTE: the date for applications extended to 22 October 2025

News, Events & Reports

Gerrako Haurrak

Kaixo. "Gerrako haurrak, bake loturak" mahai-ingurura gonbidatu nahi zaitugu. Otsailaren 12an izango da, 18:30ean, Gogoran (María Díaz de Haro 3, Bilbo). Erantsitako dokumentuan duzu hizlariei buruzko informazioa. Bertaratu nahi duenarentzat mahai-ingurua zabalik egongo da, edukiera bete arte, eta zuzenean linean ikusi nahi duenak, helbide honetan izango du aukera https://labur.eus/fN4w0 Zure interesekoa izango delakoan, agur bero bat

Hola. Te invitamos a la mesa redonsa "Niños de la guerra, vínculos de paz" que celebraremos el próximo día 12 de febrero, a las 18:30, en Gogora (María Díaz de Haro 3, Bilbao). En el documento adjuto tienes la información de las personas intervinientes. La charla está abierta al público, hasta completar aforo, y se podrá seguir en directo en la siguiente dirección https://labur.eus/fN4w0 Esperamos sea de tu interés, recibe un cordial saludo

"Memorias del exilio"

Un cómic para honrar la memoria de los niños vascos exiliados en la Guerra Civil "Memorias del exilio" recupera las historias en primera persona de los menores obligados a abandonar España en 1937 Léelo en El Pais ….
[In Spanish and may require a subscription to El Pais to access the full article]

"In 2019, Begoña Garrido (Bilbao, 40 years old) was doing her thesis, with a scholarship from the British University of Reading, on the daily life of Basque women during the Franco regime. She did more than 30 lengthy in-person interviews with older women, and brought together several focus groups. Between coffee and coffee, between memory and remember …" A short summary in English can be read here

Update on the Sea of shadows exhibition

This evolving exhibition forms part of the ongoing project on transgenerational memory led by Monica Jato as has been described previously here The first showing was in Manchester and below, after acknowledgements, you can see a short video showcasing a few reactions from the audience: This was followed by a showing in Euskadi where the Sea of Shadows formed part of a larger exhibition together with Intxorta.

YouTube Video

Over the next few years there are plans for more showings in both Euskadi and UK and we will keep you updated on these.

The Instituto Cervantes in Manchester hosted the exhibition Sea of Shadows from June to July 2024. It was made possible thanks to the collaboration with the University of Reading, BCA'37 UK – The Association for the UK Basque Children, Intxorta 1937 Kultur Elkartea, Gernika Memoriaren Lekuko, the People's History Museum, The Salvation Army, West Glamorgan Archive Service, the University of Southampton, Word Music Image, and the Consulate General of Spain in Manchester. It was generously supported by The Arts and Humanities Research Council and the University of Birmingham.

The Man of War

I was recently contacted by our old friend Bernardo Fernández, former Councillor for Employment and Social Affairs in the Spanish Embassy, London, telling us of a new, posthumously published novel (in Spanish), that includes the experience of the niños exile:

El hombre de la guerra
by Ramiro Pinilla
[Editorial Tusquets, Bercelona 2023].

Until his retirement and return to Spain Bernardo was one of our staunchest allies and supporters. He gave immeasurable help to our Association in its early days. The association owes him a tremendous debt of gratitude. I still keep in touch with Bernardo and he still follows our activities. Carmen Kilner

The Man of War by Ramiro Pinilla
Review by Bernardo Fernández (Former Spanish Consul in London)
[translation by MDL Power]

El hombre de la guerra

Nuestro viejo amigo Bernardo Fernández, antiguo Cónsul de España para Asuntos Culturales en Londres, se puso recientemente en contacto conmigo para hablarnos de una nueva novela, publicada póstumamente (en español), que recoge la experiencia del exilio de los Niños:

El hombre de la guerra
de Ramiro Pinilla
[Editorial Tusquets, Bercelona 2023].

Hasta su jubilación y regreso a España, Bernardo fue uno de nuestros más firmes aliados y partidarios. Prestó una ayuda inconmensurable a nuestra Asociación en sus comienzos. La Asociación tiene con él una enorme deuda de gratitud. Sigo en contacto con Bernardo y él sigue nuestras actividades. Carmen Kilner

El Hombre de la Guerra por Ramiro Pinilla
Reseña por Bernardo Fernández (ex cónsul español en Londres)

Euskara Classes

Euskara Classes

We receive occasional requests about learning the Basque language, so we are happy to inform you of this course from the London Basque Society.

The Guernica Children documentary on our YouTube channel

The Gernika Children Picasso Gernika

The English Version can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/LSNe_BMPhDI La versión en español puede verse aquí: https://youtu.be/CuW_BAqZcTY

'Happy and Safe': The Basque Child Refugees in Cumberland and Westmorland 1937 - 1939

by Rob David
Book cover

Rob has been studying, writing about, and lecturing on the experiences of refugees in Cumbria for many years. Now he turns his focus on the Basque Children who arrived in the North West in 1937. He has had full access to the archives of the Charles and Lady Cecilia Roberts who brought into existence a colony of 100 children in Brampton near Carlisle and a satellite for 25 children at Ambleside. Rob describes the lives of the children and the impressive range of people who stepped forward to support them both financially and with care and attention …

The book is now available in our shop.

For other recently posted and older notices, click here.


In 1937, during the Spanish civil war, almost 4,000 children were evacuated to the UK from Bilbao. Read more …

At first they stayed in a camp at Stoneham and later in colonies throughout the UK. Read more …

We want to remember and preserve the story of these niños de la guerra in their rightful context. Read more …

Newsletter / Boletín

From the Archives

Newsletter 10, November 2008

When the Basque children
came to Woodberry

by By Leonard Palmer Woodberry Read the full article here …

… an article you may have missed:

The Basque Children's Camp by Stuart Allen Read the full article here

From Another Archive:

Refugee children Southampton Stories Read the full article here …

Articles & Reviews

"El Hombre de la Guerra por Ramiro Pinilla"
Revisión por Bernardo Fernández (ex cónsul español en Londres)
"The Man of War by Ramiro Pinilla"
Review by Bernardo Fernández (Former Spanish Consul in London) — translation by MDL Power
"Churchill's Spaniards by Sean Scullion"
Review by Simon Martinez

View more articles here …

View more event reports here …

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Visit our YouTube channel


Sea of shadows exhibition

This evolving exhibition forms part of the ongoing project on transgenerational memory led by Monica Jato. More information here

Exhibition in Arasate, Euskadi

Currently on show in Arasate, Euskadi, this exhibition is presented by Intxorta and the Monica Jato's Intergenerational Memory Project led by Mónica Jato together with BCA'37UK - Euskadi and BCA'37 UK



The Peace Museum's Bombs…Away! explores the impact of aerial bombardment against civilians during World War Two and uses its unique collection to examine how peace campaigns formed in response … BCA'37 UK helped with the section on the Basque children.


Haven's East: The Lost History of Basque Child Refugees in 1930s East Anglia

A National Lottery funded project investigating the history of the Basque children at colonies in Cambridgeshire and Norfolk. BCA'37 UK contributed to the R & D of this exhibition. Visit the exhibition at: www.havenseast.org, read about the background to the project here …, and read this Report on Refugee week 2021 by Ed Packard